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STYLECASTER | Quick and Dirty Gym Workout for Smaller Waist
Allison Kahler

Getting a health club membership is the easy part, but actually making it to the gym is where the real challenge lies. We all lead busy lives that unfortunately leave limited time for reaching our fullest exercise potential. And when we do make it to the gym on that rare occasion, we’re either too scared to venture past the elliptical or intimidated by the machines.

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In fact, we often forget that sometimes the most effective workouts don’t require the latter at all. Dumbbells, a medicine ball, and willpower can take you far. So, if you’re already thinking of ways to accentuate and strengthen your waistline before warm weather returns, we’ve got a quick but highly effective routine that should fit nicely into your busy schedule.

Thumbtack Personal Trainer Baron Lambert recommends a workout that incorporates a pair of dumbbells, a Swiss ball, and a medicine ball. The weights should be challenging, but not too heavy to do several reps with. “Our mission is to create instability using the weights to force our core to activate and work hard, all the while using big compound exercises to help build muscle and burn fat.”

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Are you ready? Do each of the following exercises for 60 seconds with as many reps as possible, rest 30 to 60 seconds, and then move to the next:

Single Arm Dumbbell Swings

STYLECASTER | Gym Workout for Smaller Waist | Dumbbell Swing
Allison Kahler

Holding a single dumbbell, start in a squat position. Throw your hips forward to create momentum upward for the dumbbell and pull all the way over your head. As the weight starts to come back down, rebound into the same starting position.

Medicine Ball Slams

STYLECASTER | Gym Workout for Smaller Waist | Medicine Ball Slam
Allison Kahler

Elevate a medicine ball over your head, getting as tall as you can. Then immediately turn it around and throw it into the ground. Squat to get the ball and repeat.

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Renegade Rows

STYLECASTER | Gym Workout for Smaller Waist | Renegade Rows
Allison Kahler

Set up in a push-up position with dumbbells in your hands. Using one arm at a time, row the weight up to your side and back down. Alternate arms for each row, trying to keep your core stable and hips from rocking.

Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press on Swiss Ball

STYLECASTER | Gym Workout for Smaller Waist | Swiss Ball Chest Press
Allison Kahler

Set up seated on the ball with two dumbbells. Roll out until your upper back is supported on the ball, then lift your hips into a bridge position (think of yourself as the bench now). With the dumbbells now raised, alternate arms while doing a chest press, one arm at a time.

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Swiss Ball V-Ups with Transfer

STYLECASTER | Gym Workout for Smaller Waist | Medicine Ball V-Ups
Allison Kahler

Set up by lying on your back, holding a Swiss ball overhead. Crunch up with the ball while simultaneously raising your legs to meet in the middle. Transfer the ball from your arms to between your legs. Retract to lying position, lowering the ball; then repeat by bringing the ball back up from your legs to your arms again.

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